
Micro Influencers and Material Girls

Late 2021, the song “Material Girl” by Saucy Santana went viral on the social media platform TikTok, with about 265.3k video posts using the sound. New songs have become trendier on TikTok since then, but the idea of becoming a “material girl” on the platform stuck.


My Mom Is Actually My Style Icon

My mom is my best friend. We have been compared to Lorelai and Rory of the TV show Gilmore Girls (we are both blue-eyed brunettes with coffee addictions, what can we say!) and talk every day of the week, multiple times a day. While we are similar in many ways (like how we both agree Nick is the hottest Jonas Brother), we have our differences… our styles being one of them.


4 Brands Geared Towards Mental Health

As an avid Instagram user AND online shopper, I have stumbled across more than a few eye-catching brands from my extensive scrolling. What began to stand out to me was that so many of these companies had something to do with mental health — whether it be the words “your anxiety is lying to you!” across the back of a hoodie or a brand’s profits donated to mental health organizations.