i stumbled into a wooden sampan boat, struggling to keep my balance, desperately clutching onto a local’s outstretched hand for support.

i stumbled into a wooden sampan boat, struggling to keep my balance, desperately clutching onto a local’s outstretched hand for support.
Alice Walker’s 1982 groundbreaking novel “The Color Purple” holds great significance within the Black community for generations.
Associate Editor-in-Chief Joey Marmaud reflects on the inspiration and ethos of the Spring 2023 edition of Coulture.
Features team member Indigo Labida explores the theoretical underpinnings of anti-fashion and the future of the sub-category.
“With so many women in music feeling liberated in their art, these songs are only scratching the surface of the stories being told about religion and the way it plays into artists’ past and present.”
“The mediums of TV and film are suffering under corporate control, where what is culturally valuable may be stifled for what is monetarily valuable.”
“77% of Black influencers fall into the nano and micro influencer tiers (under 50K followers) where compensation from brands averaged $27,000 annually (versus 59% of white influencers).”
Earthtones was created in the spring of 2022 as a collective for artists of color of all skills and mediums to grow and practice their craft together in an atmosphere responsive and flexible to their needs.
“My internalized belief that my own breasts are sexualized — and thus, inappropriate in the settings of my day-to day-life — is a daily burden.”