Despite the variety of resources available on campus, students have expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the resources meant to address mental health and overall well-being.

Despite the variety of resources available on campus, students have expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the resources meant to address mental health and overall well-being.
i stumbled into a wooden sampan boat, struggling to keep my balance, desperately clutching onto a local’s outstretched hand for support.
“Imagine waking up, stretching and instinctively reaching for your phone. It’s a habit, right? Notifications flood in, and before you know it, you’re sucked into a digital whirlpool. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. College students, on average, spend a whopping 8-10 hours daily on their devices. Between classwork, social media and streaming, we’re immersed in the digital world.”
It does not feel real at first. You go into denial. You’re so used to how it feels to be with that person; then suddenly, you are left with a hole in your heart where they once were. Overnight, someone who was once your best friend becomes a stranger.
What has not disappeared are the struggles of students on campus as autumn continues marching forward into a looming winter. The darkness that sets in by 5 p.m. and finals on the horizon did little to bring up the spirits on campus; it can be difficult to remember to focus on yourself when so much is happening around you.
I have fallen victim to the social media slot machine many times. I first created an Instagram account when I was 12 years old. At that age, we are not able to fully comprehend the way that these websites are designed to trick us into using them more and more. I would see one post that made me feel bad about myself, and it would ruin my entire day.
You opened this letter, meaning you are looking for some sort of relief from your fears. Whether you are scared about an upcoming exam, approaching a crush, wearing that risky outfit that has been beckoning from your closet for ages, speaking up for yourself, or even just being more confident, I am here to offer my advice.
You are off to a fresh start with new memories and endless opportunities when you board your flight or start your drive to a new place. Traveling opens the doors to a new outlook on life by experiencing a new culture or breaking out of your comfort zone for personal growth.
Look who’s out with a new special again.