I was in an abusive relationship that lasted the better part of a year. After a long time of hiding, of not wanting to share my story, I have realized that telling this story could help someone.
Love Talks: When it isn’t love

I was in an abusive relationship that lasted the better part of a year. After a long time of hiding, of not wanting to share my story, I have realized that telling this story could help someone.
This article is based on the movie “Dear Juliet,” and it is for everyone who has ever had their heart broken by someone who did not deserve to have their heart.
You take trips to visit each other’s houses and get a glimpse of who they were pre-college. You do fashion shows for each other, modeling the clothes you bought after a Saturday afternoon spent at thrift stores. You flop onto each other’s beds to complain about the most minor inconveniences.
Currently, my writing process looks a lot like an on-fire garbage can. It’s quick, it’s passionate, and it might be full of Panda Express and Cherry Coke.
He likes being close to you and will make sure you know how much he loves you, even while being swept away by dreams. Even if he is fast asleep, he will respond when you whisper, “I love you.” Some part of his brain will always be awake when it comes to you.
Now, as students return to campus in the 2021 fall semester, some will be relieved to see what resembles a return to normalcy. I, on the other hand, am battling a game of tug of war with excitement and fear. Returning to campus would be like ripping a piece of tape off the wall and trying to stick it back on.
It is the sadness of these memories not being my reality anymore, but also the joy that I’ve lived such a beautiful life. However, am I looking back at these memories a little too fondly?
What dating in high school can teach you about dating in college and your future relationships.
He is in corporate management and thus has lots of experience on how things can function well in the business realm – all of which usually goes right over my head. However, this time was different, and when he laid out to me the idea of applying a board of directors to my own life – I was enthralled.