Pop Culture

Songs from 2021 You Need to Listen To

Last year, I curated a playlist of my top songs of 2020. Now, as we ring in the new year, it’s time to dig into the songs I couldn’t stop listening to in 2021. Operating under one (loose) rule, all the songs on this playlist were released in 2021.


Scared to be back on campus? Me too

Now, as students return to campus in the 2021 fall semester, some will be relieved to see what resembles a return to normalcy. I, on the other hand, am battling a game of tug of war with excitement and fear. Returning to campus would be like ripping a piece of tape off the wall and trying to stick it back on.

Pop Culture

Shows I’ve Binged During the School Year

In order of most to least enjoyable, I compiled a list of 8 shows from diverse genres that allowed me to get away from reality for a few hours.

Pop Culture

20 Songs From 2020 You Should Listen To

In a year dominated by isolation, loss and immense change, music was one of the few means that allowed us to escape from reality. I curated a playlist of 20 songs – of various genres – that helped me power through this historical year; operating under one rule: the songs had to be released during 2020.


Get a Roommate, You Won’t Regret It

If you are lucky enough to get close to your roommate, you will have someone to vent to and share secrets with. There will be sleepless nights, where instead of studying, you both decide to tell your life stories. You will learn so much about each other within the first month of living together that you would think you have known each other your whole lives.


Feature on Erin Campagna, Coulture’s Digital Director

If Erin Campagna, the Digital Director at Coulture Magazine, has learned one thing through this ‘dumpster fire’ of a year, it is resilience.


Grieving Someone I Never Met

In this Op-Ed, Leslie Guzmán explains the complicated grief of losing someone she never met.