Arts Culture

A brief lesson on Bauhaus for its 100th birthday

As 2019 brings the centenary of the founding of Bauhaus, it may be useful to refresh our memories on what Bauhaus is and what it means for art and culture today. Bauhaus, literally meaning “building house” in German, refers to both a movement and a physical school. The Staatliches (“state-owned”) Bauhaus was a school of […]

Arts Culture Opinion

PEN15 & Big Mouth: The Horrors of Middle School

Most young adults remember the painfully awkward travail that was our middle school years. The braces, the crushes, the first kisses, the hormones, the “your mom” jokes, and all the burning questions about puberty and adolescent life. Now, we get to relive all of it vicariously through comedians Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle in the […]

Pop Culture

It’s pronounced “Zeen”: the art of zines

During a recent visit to Chicago, my sister-in-law brought me to a small brick building on North Avenue sandwiched between a pasta bar and a barbecue restaurant. The windows, covered in stickers, displayed the words “MAGAZINES” “BOOKS” and “CURIOSITIES.” One step inside and any book lover like myself would immediately feel their heart melt in […]

Pop Culture

CHRIS: An album review and identity exploration

Her latest transformation is one which pushes the limits of gender conventions that many artists strive to break. Letissier’s newest release, “Chris” is a musical and aesthetic journey of identity–not so much an identity crisis as an identity insight.