
Love Talks: to the next girl he falls asleep beside

He likes being close to you and will make sure you know how much he loves you, even while being swept away by dreams. Even if he is fast asleep, he will respond when you whisper, “I love you.” Some part of his brain will always be awake when it comes to you.


Love Talks: Your High School Heartbreak Wasn’t for Nothing

What dating in high school can teach you about dating in college and your future relationships.


Running Away From Heartbreak

You are off to a fresh start with new memories and endless opportunities when you board your flight or start your drive to a new place. Traveling opens the doors to a new outlook on life by experiencing a new culture or breaking out of your comfort zone for personal growth.


Love Talks: Breaking Up When You’re Still in Love

After a lot of tears and moments of are we really going to do this?, my boyfriend and I decided it was best to break up. Long-term, we wouldn’t survive, and we both felt that it was better to break up now before our relationship had time to sour and go bad, forever discoloring our perception of each other.


The Reality of Pandemic Relationships

I think everyone can agree that COVID-19 has impacted their relationships. Whether it is platonic, familial, professional or romantic relationships, the pandemic has affected the nature and quality of these connections.


Break-Up Culture During a Pandemic

Whether mutually or one-sided, when a relationship ends it often hurts both parties involved; letting go of something so emotionally involved requires a whole lot of time and energy for healing. Is the current pandemic making it harder for us to move on?